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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

犬療所 - Dog therapy institution
犬療所 - Dog therapy institution


犬療所 - Dog therapy institution

陳祺璇, 王于瑄 - Chen,Chi-Hsuan/chenpp0429666@gmail.com, Wang, Yu-Hsuan

犬療所是人與犬隻的互動進而產生療癒治療的新場域。在空間中設計適合復健治療的功能傢俱,讓患者與透過專業化訓練的治療犬互動,可依據復健方式的不同去做機能上的變化。 - Dog therapy institution is a new place that enables people to be healing by interacting with dogs. By the design of functional furniture which is suitable for the rehabilitation, we can let patients interact with the dogs which are trained professionally, and to change to different functions when the rehabilitation diversifies.