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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

浮生伴日 - Keep you company when you feel vulnerable
浮生伴日 - Keep you company when you feel vulnerable


浮生伴日 - Keep you company when you feel vulnerable

柯映嫺, 蔡佩妤 - Ke,Ying-Xian, Tsai,Pei-Yu

顧及街友尊嚴與自由下,針對管理、安置、衛生、停留等服務需求,重新界定空間層級;並以公園化為概念,釋放空間權力,融入街頭元素,給予空間、資訊與接受服務的選擇權。 - his design takes a site in Taichung as its experimental field. With the premise of respecting the dignity and freedom of the homeless, and raising public awareness, the space hierarchy is redefined based on the necessity of social work services, addressing needs such as application, placement, management, hygiene, staying, and resting. Additionally, embracing the concept of parkification, the design aims to open up floor relations, release spatial power, and introduce elements of life, providing users with the choice of space usage, information acquisition, and service acceptance.