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藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan


藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

작품 가이드 투어

〈藝術自由式—布花設計師帶路〉藝術銀行x減簡手制 Freestyle Arts: An Artistic Journey Led by a Pattern Designer — Artbank Taiwan X jainjain


〈藝術自由式—布花設計師帶路〉藝術銀行x減簡手制 Freestyle Arts: An Artistic Journey Led by a Pattern Designer — Artbank Taiwan X jainjain
合作設計師: 陳子瑜 Co-operate Designer: Chen Tzu-Yu
〈藝術自由式—布花設計師帶路〉藝術銀行x減簡手制 紀錄影片/6’07”/藝術銀行策畫/凹焦影像工作室製作 Freestyle Arts: An Artistic Journey Led by a Pattern Designer — Artbank Taiwan X jainjain/ Documentary/6’07/ Planned by Artbank Taiwan/ Produced by Lane 216, East Studio


〈藝術自由式—布花設計師帶路〉藝術銀行x減簡手制 紀錄影片/6’07”/藝術銀行策畫/凹焦影像工作室製作 Freestyle Arts: An Artistic Journey Led by a Pattern Designer — Artbank Taiwan X jainjain/ Documentary/6’07/ Planned by Artbank Taiwan/ Produced by Lane 216, East Studio
企劃:藝術銀行 / 影像製作:凹焦影像工作室
窗景(高雄紅毛港海汕2路66號) OutLook (No 66, Haishan 2nd Rd., Hongmaogang, Kaohsiung City)


窗景(高雄紅毛港海汕2路66號) OutLook (No 66, Haishan 2nd Rd., Hongmaogang, Kaohsiung City)
陳伯義 Chen Po-I (1972-)
窗景(高雄市仁武區高楠公路100號) OutLook (No.100, Gaonan Highway, Renwu Dist., Kaohsiung City)


窗景(高雄市仁武區高楠公路100號) OutLook (No.100, Gaonan Highway, Renwu Dist., Kaohsiung City)
陳伯義 Chen Po-I (1972-)
窗景(高雄市左營區復興新村) OutLook (Fuxing Vil., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813, Taiwan )


窗景(高雄市左營區復興新村) OutLook (Fuxing Vil., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813, Taiwan )
陳伯義 Chen Po-I (1972-)
消逝的肖像 Krukenbergstreet 10a-14a, Halle, Germany
The Vanishing Portraits, Krukenbergstreet 10a-14a, Halle, Germany


消逝的肖像 Krukenbergstreet 10a-14a, Halle, Germany The Vanishing Portraits, Krukenbergstreet 10a-14a, Halle, Germany
劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)
消逝的肖像,湖下三間樓仔,金門 The vanishing Portraits, Kinmen


消逝的肖像,湖下三間樓仔,金門 The vanishing Portraits, Kinmen
劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)
消逝的肖像-對倒I The vanishing Portraits


消逝的肖像-對倒I The vanishing Portraits
劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)
消逝的肖像-對倒II The vanishing Portraits II


消逝的肖像-對倒II The vanishing Portraits II
劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)
消逝的肖像,張文帝洋樓,金沙,金門 The vanishing Portraits


消逝的肖像,張文帝洋樓,金沙,金門 The vanishing Portraits
劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)
消逝的肖像,董允耀洋樓,金門;消逝的肖像,陳清吉洋樓,金門 The Vanishing Portraits, Yun-Yue Dong Western-style Building, Kinmen; The Vanishing City, Ching-Chi Chen Western-style Building, Kinmen


消逝的肖像,董允耀洋樓,金門;消逝的肖像,陳清吉洋樓,金門 The Vanishing Portraits, Yun-Yue Dong Western-style Building, Kinmen; The Vanishing City, Ching-Chi Chen Western-style Building, Kinmen
劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)


杜珮詩 Tu Pei-Shih(1981-)


葉采薇 Yeh Tsai-Wei(1988-)
剪綵式 Ribbon-cutting ceremony


剪綵式 Ribbon-cutting ceremony
葉采薇 Yeh Tsai-Wei (1988-)


馮偉中 Feng Wei-Jung(1971-)


馮偉中 Feng Wei-Jung (1971-)
BM1001 廣結善緣


BM1001 廣結善緣
涂維政 Tu Wei-Cheng(1969-)
BM1022號石—美克緹神屠獸 NO.BM1022 STONE


BM1022號石—美克緹神屠獸 NO.BM1022 STONE
涂維政 Tu Wei-Cheng (1969-)
卜湳法器石 BUNUM


卜湳法器石 BUNUM
涂維政 Tu Wei-Cheng (1969-)

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