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藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

消逝的肖像,董允耀洋樓,金門;消逝的肖像,陳清吉洋樓,金門 The Vanishing Portraits, Yun-Yue Dong Western-style Building, Kinmen; The Vanishing City, Ching-Chi Chen Western-style Building, Kinmen


消逝的肖像,董允耀洋樓,金門;消逝的肖像,陳清吉洋樓,金門 The Vanishing Portraits, Yun-Yue Dong Western-style Building, Kinmen; The Vanishing City, Ching-Chi Chen Western-style Building, Kinmen

劉芸怡 Liu Yun-Yi (1981-)

你的房子不是你的房子? 房子之於生活的意義是什麼 ? 如何選擇理想的住所? 是空間影響心理 ,還是心理影響空間 ? 你的房子是你的房子嗎? 藝術家劉芸怡的作品〈消逝的肖像,董允耀洋樓,金門; 消逝的肖像,陳清吉洋樓,金門〉,將不同時間點所拍攝的局部透視影像,進行後製拼接,呈現歷經時間流逝所提煉出的建築肖像。金門洋樓具有特殊的地方文化性,當年在外經商的僑民,為突顯逐漸提升的社會地位,將南洋所見到英、法殖民下的歐洲建築風格,輾轉帶回金門,委託本地匠師建造而成。劉芸怡運用影像創作,表現紀念碑式的建築語彙,重新轉化賦予遺跡的再生價值,試圖向人們重新召喚這段過往風華,如今卻人事已非的城市記憶。 Your House Is Not Your House? What does a house mean to one’s life? How do you choose your ideal residence? Is our mind affected by the surrounding space, or is it the opposite way around? Is your house your house? LIU Yun-Yi’s The Vanishing Portraits, Yun-Yue Dong Western-style Building, Kinmen; The Vanishing City, Ching-Chi Chen Western-style Building, Kinmen compares two perspective photographs at different times. These photographs were subject to post-processing and then assembled to provide a portrait of the building and the effects of time. Kinmen’s western baroque buildings represent local cultures. Many Overseas Chinese traders were inspired by British and French architectures they had seen in Southeast Asian colonies and brought them home to Kinmen, commissioning these western-style buildings to local architects who designed them to demonstrate their elevated social standing. LIU Yun-Yi used the photographs to highlight memorial-like architectural forms in the region, converting them into images that restored the values of these edifices to remind people of their historical achievements and forgotten urban memories.