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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

歡迎光臨9453星球 - (A Cog In A)
歡迎光臨9453星球 - (A Cog In A)


歡迎光臨9453星球 - (A Cog In A)

蘇祺祺 - Su,Chi-Chi

「結合夜燈的光影繪本」以星球世界為故事主軸,跟著故事裡的角色探索新奇事物, 是一本用溫暖描繪出宇宙觀的空間透過故事,帶出「重要的事物,要用心感受」的核心理念。 繪本中會有不同的圖卡設計,孩子可以將故事主題延伸的圖卡取出, 與繪本附帶的壓克力LED夜燈作結合,成為夜晚中最好的陪伴。 - "Light and Shadow Picture Book Combined with Night Lights" takes the planetary world as the main axis of the story, and explores novelties with the characters in the story. It is a book that depicts the cosmology of space through the story with warmth, bringing out the core concept of "important things, to be felt with the heart". and combines with the acrylic LED night light attached to the picture book to become the best companion at night.