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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

天佑靈籤 - God Bless Fortune Sticks
天佑靈籤 - God Bless Fortune Sticks


天佑靈籤 - God Bless Fortune Sticks

陳品珊 - Chen,Pin-Shan

以簡潔的色塊及柔和的顏色繪製而成的圖像跳脫以往大眾對於廟宇莊嚴的印象。詳細步驟介紹祭拜流程。精美的抽籤系統及籤詩動畫讓人更瞭解籤詩內容。 - The images drawn with simple color blocks and soft colors escape from the previous public impression of the solemn temples. Detailed steps to introduce the worship process.The exquisite lottery system and poem signing animation make people better understand the content of the poem signing.