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非定域 Delocalized

大同大學 工業設計系


motive 銀髮族的居家運動助理
motive 銀髮族的居家運動助理


motive 銀髮族的居家運動助理

葉繼學 陳咏萱

motive 是專為肌少症銀髮族設計的居家運動復健系統,透過偵測握力追蹤用戶身體狀況,語音與大畫面的圖像直覺指引運動,搭載 App 使家人能快速加入同樂也能關心長輩的運動狀況,最終以實質的生活獎勵提升銀髮族的運動意願,獎勵為促進長者健康或生活折價相關之項目,期望透過獎勵具現化與便捷舒適的使用體驗,提升長者的運動意願並建立習慣使長者成為健康的銀髮人。 "motive" is an indoor exercise system designed for the elderly with Sarcopenia. motive can track the user's muscle status via detecting their grip strength. Also, the intuitive big UI allows the elderly to exercise by simply following what the screen says. With motive app, families can stay tuned and even join their elder's exercise to support and encourage them. Finally, rewards, which are items that are related to the elderly's well-being, are given to enhance their will of exercise. We hope to help the elderly develop a nice habit of doing exercise regularly by "motive" , and last but not least, lead a healthy life.