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大同大學 工業設計系


Rapio 銀髮族的生活藥管家
Rapio 銀髮族的生活藥管家


Rapio 銀髮族的生活藥管家

陳咏萱 葉繼學

Rapio 是一款專為銀髮族設計的自動化配藥裝置,定時提醒銀髮族服藥,外出時自動填裝到智能音箱,可輕鬆攜帶出門,銀髮族透過語音紀錄身體狀況,機器自動將數據雲端化。與健保藥局合作,輔助藥師擬定個人化用藥方案,家人也可透過 APP 了解長者狀況,幫助銀髮族邁向健康生活。 Rapio is an automatic dispensing device specially designed for the elderly. It regularly reminds the elderly to take medicine, and automatically fills the smart speak. Cooperate with the National Health Insurance. Pharmacists formulate personalized medication plans.Family members can also use the APP to understand the status of the elderly.