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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

美感施工標語 1.0 - Aesthetic Construction Slogan Poster 1.0
美感施工標語 1.0 - Aesthetic Construction Slogan Poster 1.0


美感施工標語 1.0 - Aesthetic Construction Slogan Poster 1.0

張道元, 謝鈞安, 翁妤 - Chang,Dao-Yuan, Hsieh,Chun-An, Weng,Yu

在工地中施工標語為必要的存在,但因沒有相對的規範而感到凌亂。以減法設計整合視覺與功能,連結大眾、環境與施工場域之間的關係,並優化施工標語的功能,降低視覺干擾,使傳達內容更為清楚,另外增加使用說明,提供流程上的建議,打破舊有的刻板模式,重新塑造施工場域的第一印象,除了舒適易讀更有美感。 - The construction slogans on the construction site is necessary, but they are messy because of no relative regulations. The subtractive design is applied to integrate vision and function and connect the relationship between the public, the surroundings and the construction site. It reshapes and remold the aesthetic image of the construction sites. To optimize the function of construction slogans, reduce visual interference, make the content clearer, we add instructions for use and provide process suggestions, thus breaking old stereotypes. We reshape the first impression of the construction site as well. In addition to aesthetic, ease and legibility are in need.