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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

美柵了計劃 - Aesthetic Fence Rebuilding Plan
美柵了計劃 - Aesthetic Fence Rebuilding Plan


美柵了計劃 - Aesthetic Fence Rebuilding Plan

張道元, 謝鈞安, 翁妤 - Chang,Dao-Yuan, Hsieh,Chun-An, Weng,Yu

近年來台灣公部門美學興起,街上的公設施也逐一被檢視。 台灣的鐵皮柵欄因長期缺乏管理導致不受控、氾濫,且也鮮少注重「美感」,醜著醜著大眾就習以為常了。 這次設計以裝幀設計重新詮釋「鐵皮」之視覺表現,並紀錄生活,從問題中帶入美感教育,培養大眾的美感意識。 裝幀書盒和封面以鐵皮柵欄的視覺樣貌設計,呼應裝幀內容;在裝幀設計上採用車縫線裝合併三種不同尺寸冊子,藉由設計從最小尺寸的冊子開始引導讀者,在翻閱體驗中能有效的傳達內容;內頁中的字體、排版、色彩和紙材運用,讓資訊能有更好的辨別度。 透過「設計」將鐵皮與環境整合,且良好地傳遞訊息。也許當美感成為生活中的一部分時,即使是微小細節,也會發現新的角度並重新思考街道美學。 - In recent years, the aesthetics of the public sector has risen in Taiwan, and public facilities on the streets have also been inspected one by one. Due to the long-term lack of management, the iron fences in Taiwan are uncontrolled and flooded, and they rarely pay attention to "beauty". It is normal for the public to be ugly and ugly. This design reinterprets the visual expression of "iron sheet" with a binding design, and records life, brings aesthetic education from problems, and cultivates the public's awareness of aesthetics. The binding book box and cover are designed with the visual appearance of a tin fence, echoing the content of the binding; the binding design uses sewing thread binding to combine three different sizes of booklets, and guide readers from the smallest size booklet through the design. Effectively communicate content; use of fonts, typography, colors and paper materials on the inner pages allows information to be better identified. Through "design", the iron sheet is integrated with the environment, and the message is conveyed well. Maybe when beauty becomes a part of life, even the tiny details, will discover new angles and rethink street aesthetics.