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國立東華大學 藝術創意產業學系

翻轉日常 寫意系列 Overturn the daily
翻轉日常 寫意系列 Overturn the daily


翻轉日常 寫意系列 Overturn the daily

Yu-Ting,Su 蘇鈺婷

日常,意味著日復一日,那些常走的街道、看膩的建築,依舊讓人索然無味?其實,生活中的風景遠比我們認知的更加多變,只要換了視角,日常即不再平凡。 我以自身感受出發,取東華大學為題,藉由在畫面上扭曲建築、翻轉道路、多重視角並置等方式,重現我的生活記憶。運用水彩豐富的色彩變化,結合自我對地方的情感與記憶,將想像與現實融合,重新詮釋屬於我的東華大學。 我始終深信:日常永遠有新意,只要換一個角度觀察、感受,日常也能發現意想不到的驚喜。 Daily life means day after day, those streets that are often used and buildings that are tired of seeing are still dull and boring? In fact. The landscapes in life are far more changeable than we perceive. As long as the perspective is changed, daily life is no longer ordinary. Starting from myself and taking Dong Hua University as the subject, I reproduce my life memories by distorting buildings, flipping roads, a juxtaposition of multiple perspectives on the screen, etc. Using the rich color changes of watercolor, combining my feelings and memories of the place, I merged my imagination with reality and reinterpreted my Dong Hua University. I have always believed that there are always new ideas in daily life. As long as you observe and feel from another angle, you can find unexpected surprises in daily life. 指導教授 Advisor l 郭令權 Lynch,Kuo、余慧君 Hui-chun,Yu