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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系

碁遇 - Meet with GO
碁遇 - Meet with GO


碁遇 - Meet with GO

葉芷伶 - Ye Chih Ling

傳承圍棋淵遠流傳的歷史,創造棋社新據點,希望能吸引年輕族群使更多人在這個場域與圍棋相遇;於空間上從圍棋定石出發,展現布局於空間構築,呈現圍棋精神於室內空間之中。 - To inherit the deep and far-reaching history of Go, create a new base for the Go society, and hope to attract a younger crowd to encounter Go; starting from the opening moves of Go, to demonstrate the layout in space construction, presenting the spirit of Go in the indoor space.