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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系日間部

時間、空間的積累 發展出獨一無二的色彩,象徵尚未定型的我們





指導老師:蘇林立 / Lin-Li Su 基地位置:臺南市中西區民生路一段 157 巷 11 號 1 樓 / 1F, No. 11, Ln. 157, Sec. 1, Minsheng Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 作品說明: 台南市區眾多的巷弄中有個叫蝸牛巷的巷弄,這是專為葉石濤作家所創立的巷弄,而葉石濤本人的故居就在蝸牛巷裡,這巷弄缺乏的是認識葉石濤的機會,於是我選擇了巷弄中的其中一塊角落實行這項認識葉石濤的計畫。 文學與場域指的是當時葉石濤的生長時代背景(皇民化運動 - 美麗島事件)與葉石濤不同的文學階段產生的共鳴所創造出屬於葉石濤的文學場域,而葉石濤的文學也影響了台灣的文學發展。 Among the many alleys in Tainan City, there is an alley called Snail Alley, which was specially created for the writer Ye Shitao., and Ye Shitao’s former residence is in Snail Alley. What this alley lacks is the opportunity to know Ye Shitao, soI chose one of the corners of the alley to carry out this project of getting to know Ye Shitao. Literature and field refer to the background of Ye Shitao's growth era(the Emperor's Civilization Movement-Beautiful Island Incident) and Ye Shitao's Ye Shitao's literary field is created by the resonance of different literary stages, and Ye Shitao's literature alsoInfluenced the development of literature in Taiwan.