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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系日間部

時間、空間的積累 發展出獨一無二的色彩,象徵尚未定型的我們

Choosing House
Choosing House


Choosing House

邱子瑜 / 王新佑

指導老師:陳佩瑜 / Pei-Yu Chen 基地位置:臺中市太平區中山路 3 段 / Section 3, Zhongshan Road, Taiping District, Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 作品說明: 家庭是社會生活的基本單元,會隨著時代變換其結構,我們從「住」的觀念切入,探討舊有到當今的觀念趨勢,在空間組成上進行改變,將曾以間為主的住宅形式重新思考,進而創造符合現代甚至是未來的住宅空間組成。 The family is the basic unit of social life, and its structure will change with the times. We start from the concept of "living", discuss the trend of the old concept to the present, change the spatial composition, and transform the residential form that used to be dominated by rooms , and then create a residential space composition that is in line with the modern and even the future.