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國立臺中科技大學 室內設計系日間部

時間、空間的積累 發展出獨一無二的色彩,象徵尚未定型的我們




黃燕翎 / 劉雨桐

指導老師:陳佩瑜 / Pei-Yu Chen 基地位置:臺中市中區中山路 257 巷 2 號 / No. 2, Lane 257, Zhongshan Road, Central District, Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 作品說明: 舊城中區,是一個擁有百年的歷史及人文風情的場域,它位於台中市的中心區域,是交通往來的要道,但由於後期市中心逐漸偏西,導致產業轉移,而人口逐漸減少的情況下部分地區人去樓空,剩下的是不願意離開的老住戶以及老舊的空屋,而中區的柳川古道更是因此而成為了一個封閉的社區,我們希望將舊有柳川古道的元素保留下來,結合新式的活動型態,串起在地居民與外來遊客的連結。 The Old City Central District is a site with a century-old history and cultural customs. It is located in the central area of Taichung City and is the main thoroughfare for traffic. However, due to the gradual westward direction of the city center in the later period, industries have shifted and the population has gradually decreased. In some areas, people go to empty buildings, and the rest are old residents who are unwilling to leave and old empty houses, and the Liuchuan Ancient Road in the Central District has become a closed community because of this. We hope to put the old Liuchuan The elements of the ancient road are preserved, combined with the new type of activity, connecting local residents and foreign tourists.