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無設限:NFT 專場|羅芙奧 2021 線上拍賣

Ravenel 羅芙奧藝術集團

Ether Rock #58


Ether Rock #58

Ether Rock 是畫有石頭圖像的 NFT 作品,純 JPG 圖像的石頭們除了顏色不同外,其形狀與大小都一模一樣,限量 100 件,據官方說法,這些虛擬石頭沒有任何發行目的,但透過買賣交易能帶給你強烈的自豪感,成為全世界百中選一的擁有者。 Ether Rock 之所以受到藏家追捧,除了它可以說是以太坊區塊鏈上僅次於 CryptoPunks 的元老級 NFT 項目,有著盤古開天的歷史地位外;它也是第一個運用聯合曲線 (Bonding Curve) 價格機制的 NFT,所謂聯合曲線,本質就是在鏈上環境建立一個去中心化的協作機制,由算法本身來負責整個協作機制的資源分配,當 100 顆當中的一顆石頭被買走,尚未被銷售的石頭價格即自動上漲。 These virtual rocks serve NO PURPOSE beyond being able to be bought and sold, and giving you a strong sense of pride in being an owner of 1 of the only 100 rocks in the game. Ether Rock collector's motive for spending a large sum of money to purchase it, which has no IRL(in real life) value, is to be in possession of the second-best historical Ethereum project left, after CryptoPunks. 來源 Provenance Etherrock.com Acquired from the above by the present owner 智能合約地址 Smart contract address 0x41f28833Be34e6EDe3c58D1f597bef429861c4E2 ERC-721, minted in 2017