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UNBOXING >--- —— 2024 國立成功大學工業設計學系113級畢業設計展

UNBOXING >--- —— 2024 國立成功大學工業設計學系113級畢業設計展

國立成功大學 工業設計學系

UNBOXING >--- —— 2024 國立成功大學工業設計學系113級畢業設計展

國立成功大學 工業設計學系



UNBOXING >--- —— 2024 國立成功大學工業設計學系113級畢業設計展 - UNBOXING >--- —— NCKU Industrial Design 113th Graduate Exhibition 2024

「>---,是開箱沿線路徑,也是將未知化為已知的開箱行動。」 設計是挑戰、是未知,也是新觀點的催化劑;UNBOXING,則是我們面對設計的行動。解構規整的箱體,實踐未定義的拆封路徑。思辯與行動交錯,在反覆試錯中引頸期盼著每個階段的開箱成果。 期望業界、大眾一同進入UNBOXING的世界——帶著設計量能,跳脫既有的思維,直面社會議題、使用者需求,大膽探索設計更多的可能性。透過合作產出設計,進而與社會建立同理心、議題、實踐層面的討論,共同在箱體的多面維度之上實踐開箱行動。 ">---" serves as the path of unboxing and the action of turning the unknown into the known. Design is a challenge, an unknown, and also a catalyst for new perspectives; UNBOXING, on the other hand, is our response to design. Deconstructing the structured box, it embodies the implementation of an undefined unboxing path. Speculation and action intertwine, eagerly anticipating the unboxing outcomes of each stage through repeated trial and error. We hope that the industry and the public will enter the world of UNBOXING together - equipped with design potential, thinking outside of the box, confronting social issues, user needs, and boldly exploring more possibilities in design. Through collaborative design outputs, empathy, issues, and practical discussions are established with society, collectively practicing unboxing actions on various dimensions of the box.


