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中華大學 建築與都市計畫學系


中華大學 建築與都市計畫學系




疫情從2019延燒至今, 在接受過封城、隔離等前所未有的體驗後, 開始思考當疫情常態化, 如何在未來科技的輔佐下, 嘗試去創造後疫情時代專屬於都市人群的療癒空間。 病毒的全球大流行正在改變世界。 也許世人能預想最後的結果, 但無論新的“正常”狀態如何,都將改變我們的生活、工作和社交的方式。 從室內到室外,從虛體到實體, 科技的進步讓住宅型式創造出更多可能, 將療癒空間公共化, 把療癒心理帶到都市中, 讓人們能夠更重視生活、享受生活。 設計由疫情走向所衍生出的種種情緒, 形成了變動的情感序列。 普遍的人們在疫情爆發的當下都是因為未知而感到恐懼, 努力過後得到了保護,安全感、滿足感等等; 然而倦怠感由長時間警備狀態下延伸出來, 解除封城、重新開業開學後終於回歸安定的生活, 卻開始思念遠方的親友、思念以前那個自由不用防備、不對外人感到恐懼的社會。 透過情感序列的分割,創造了五種情緒空間。 然而在這重疊的時空,人們卻擁有不重疊的情緒, 於是我們開始思考空間共存…。 時間是公平的,投射出來的情感卻是不同的。 每個斷面下的情感個體, 將在共體創造的空間排列組合中, 尋找自我療癒的可能。 Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019, after the challenges of quarantine and lockdown, we started to think about how to create a healing space for urbanite in the post-epidemic era with future technology. The epidemic of COVID-19 has changed the world. Whether the outcome is predictable or not, no matter how the new “normal” state will be, the epidemic will definitely change our life, work, and social interaction. From indoor to outdoor, from virtual to substance entity, the technological progress will create more possibilities for the types of housing. It will also make healing spaces public, brining healing mentality into the cities. Therefore, people can pay more attention to their lifestyle and enjoy their life. There have been various emotional fluctuation paths during the epidemic. The majority of people felt fear due to the unknown in the beginning. After a while, they started to feel protected, safety, and satisfaction. However, after a long time of staying alert, people started to feel tired. When the lockdown is lifted, and people go back to school and work, life goes back to normal. However, people start to miss family and friends out there, and the liberty they had before, in the society without fear for strangers. We create five emotional spaces according to different emotional sequences. In this overlapping space, people have non-overlapping emotions. Therefore, we start to think about space coexistence. Time is fair, but the emotional projection is different. Each emotional entity in different section will search for the possibility of self-healing in this space permutation created by the community.







"大流行的結束,並不是征服疾病,而是人們厭倦了恐慌,學會與疾病共存。" 從封城的捷克交換回台度過了平安的一年, 每一次的設計評圖都在與老師們辯論,"國外真的很嚴重、封城真的很痛苦" 卻在最後要展示作品時也遇上了封城的台灣。 努力了一整年,卻在疫情下被迫取消了實體展覽, 多麼符合現在的世界,看著自己的設計都不禁苦笑出來。 致那些熬過的夜,那些屬於我們的回憶。 PORTFOLIO https://issuu.com/sweetannann870830 EDUCATION 07.2016~08.2016 - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain / Architecture and Design 09.2016~06.2021 - Chung Hua University, Taiwan / Architecture and Urban planning 07.2018~08.2018 - Tongji University, China / History of Chinese Architecture 09.2018~02.2019 - The University of Kitakyushu, Japan / Faculty of Enviromental Engineering Department of Architecture 07.2019~08.2019 - Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China / Faculty of Design 02.2020~06.2020 - Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic / Faculty of Architecture 09.2021~ - Chung Hua University, Taiwan / Master Degree in Architecture and Urban planning EXPERIENCE 2016 Zhudong Wall Painting Design Competition / First Prize 2019 AILCD International Conference / Reginal Revitalization for Shrinkage City- Wakamatsu case 2019 AILCD International Workshop "BEYOND GROWTH – BRIDGING WAKAMATSU + TOBATA" / Second Prize 2019 Fujian International Village Design Competition / First Prize 2020 Intelligent Living Space Design Competition "Container house design for elderly care in remote area" / Honorable Mention



疫情剛爆發時,我離開人心惶惶的日本,結束交換學生的生活回到台灣, 在過去的一年裡,台灣為安全又自由的避風港, 但世界因為疫情之下的諸多限制與隔離政策,讓「居家」的概念一度形同被迫或是不得已, 我們都學習著如何重新去跟「家」相處 。 防疫並非僅僅關乎病毒,身心靈的防疫與療癒正是我們這個時代需要的勇氣與意識。 致那些我們集思廣益的夢想,那些屬於我們的設計。 作品集 https://issuu.com/pei__fish 學經歷 2021.09-東海大學建築系研究所 2020.03~2019.09 Young Architects Competitions-TREE HOUSE MODULE競圖 於日本北九州市立大學環境工程學部交換生 日本AILCDAsian Institute of Low Carbon Design 國際論文研討會 發表期刊論文 Research on Activity Behavior and Spatial Planning of Bookstore Space 工研院智慧化居住空間創意競賽 2019.07~2019.08 西班牙巴塞隆納自治大學 建築短期課程 西班牙葡萄牙暑期遊學 2019.05-中國廈門海峽兩岸青年學子光明之城建築文化設計競賽 2018.01-越南建築教學之旅 2016.09-中華大學建築與都市計畫學系 得獎經驗 2020.08新北市建築師公會全國學生競圖―優選 2020.02日本AILCD競圖Less is Moji-REboot the city ―第一名 2020.01智慧化居住空間創意競賽 創意狂想組 ―佳作 2019.05海峽兩岸青年學子光明之城建築文化設計競賽 ―金獎 2019.01文化大學中華大學兩校聯合評圖―優選 2017.05校內建築設計作品 ―優異獎 2016.12友善竹東產學合競賽作 創意設計彩繪牆 ―第一名
