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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

無人雲水書車 - SDL (Self-Driving Library)
無人雲水書車 - SDL (Self-Driving Library)


無人雲水書車 - SDL (Self-Driving Library)

李皓哲 - Lee Hao-Che

為了解決偏鄉學校或是資源較缺乏地區的教育,利用無人循環借書車,巡迴到 各個需要幫助的地方,讓那些孩子都可以看到各種書籍,學習到更多知識。無人 循環借書車行駛時以太陽能電板續航,利用車側與車頭前後的觸控螢幕,來完 成借書程序,回收書籍則將書籍投入車頭前後已完成還書。 - In order to solve the problem of education in areas with lack of resources, the Self-Driving Library (SDL) is used to travel to every place in need of help, so that those children can see a variety of books and learn more knowledge from SDL. The Self-Driving Library (SDL) runs on solar panels while driving, and uses the touch screens on the side and front of the vehicle to complete the operation.The borrowing and returning process is completed by putting the books into the box in front and rear of vehicle.