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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

拾音菩提 - Bodhi Bluetooth Speaker
拾音菩提 - Bodhi Bluetooth Speaker


拾音菩提 - Bodhi Bluetooth Speaker


象徵覺悟與智慧的菩提葉結合了時鐘,意指在歷久彌堅的灌溉與修煉下,結成如菩提般所寓意的美德。 底座藍芽音響取花瓣抽象的特徵,圍繞菩提葉,期許菩提美德如花香一樣綻放芬芳。 - Bodhi leaf symbolizing enlightenment and wisdom, combining the clock means that under the constant irrigation and practice, form the virtues implied by Bodhi. The bluetooth sound of the base takes the abstract features of the petals, may the virtues of Bodhi bloom like the fragrance of flowers.