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台南應用科技大學 商品設計系

自由自載 Balance Wheelbarrow
自由自載 Balance Wheelbarrow


自由自載 Balance Wheelbarrow


農民在使用推車時,很常因地面顛簸而造成貨物翻覆,讓農民採收的作物付之一炬,所以本設計利用搖擺裝置,讓推車在行經不平的地面時能達到緩衝的效果,使採收更安穩順利。 When farmers use the wheelbarrow, the goods are often overturn due to the bumpy ground, which makes the crops harvested by farmers​ are back to square one. Therefore, the design uses a swing device to make the wheelbarrow have a buffer effect when they passing through the bumpy ground, so that the harvest more stable and smooth.