玩GYM 孩童體能訓練 - GYM TOYS Physical Training for child
林宥澤、林奕甫、洪筱淇 - Yuzhe ,Lin, YiFu ,Lin, Xiaoqi ,Hong
玩 GYM 是一系列的趣味訓練器材,訓練融入遊戲的方式讓孩童訓練同時充滿樂趣。每項產品皆可獨立使用,而當每項產品串連在一起時,將成為一場團體的體能競賽。
GYM TOYS is a series of fun training equipment, making training to be more fun to
kids with the combining of game and training. Each product can be used independently. When each product is connected together, it will become a team physical competition.