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朝陽科技大學 工業設計系

能源艙&辛瑞司 - ARK-zero&Stingray
能源艙&辛瑞司 - ARK-zero&Stingray


能源艙&辛瑞司 - ARK-zero&Stingray


stingray 辛瑞司 提供動力協助杜卡利翁(Deucalion)下潛至指定水域,並偵測區域附近的電鰻,發出強光使之暈眩,輔助捕獵者將電鰻捕捉至能量艙內。 若有突發狀況,小幫手也會即時進入護主模式,將有威脅性的電鰻殺絕。 ARK-zero 能源艙 主要為承裝電鰻的能源艙,捕獵完成後回到S u r v i v o r 新生代母艦上將電鰻的電力轉換為能源提供杜卡利翁(Deucalion)使用。 而能源艙也會隨時注意電鰻的生命跡象及電力。 - stingray Provide power to assist Deucalion to dive into the designated waters, and detect electric eels near the area, emitting strong lights to make them dizzy, assisting the trappers to capture the electric eels into the energy tank. If there is an emergency, the small helper will also enter the guardian mode in real time, and the threatening electric eel will be killed. ARK-zero It is mainly an energy tank for the electric eel, and after the completion of the hunt, it returns to the Sau r v i v o r Cenozoic mothership to convert the electricity of the electric eel into energy to provide Deucalion use. The energy tank will also pay attention to the life signs and electricity of electric eels at any time.