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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

特輯土產 - Gifts of Taiwan Land
特輯土產 - Gifts of Taiwan Land


特輯土產 - Gifts of Taiwan Land

杜英豪, 許安琪, 林矞萱, 郭沛婕, 蘇庭儀 - TU, YING-HAO, HSU, AN-CHI, LIN, YU-XUAN, GUO, PEI-JLE, SU, TING-YI

土壤一直都是一種低調的存在,因此容易被人們所忽視。特輯士產將土壤製成一套精美產品,重新重視這塊土壤的價值,並透過不同類型的商品呈現士壤與城市的緊密關聯。 - "Gifts of Taiwan Land" re-emphasize the value of the soil by making it into a set of exquisite products. The soil has always ex- isted, but it has not been paid attention to. No one has ever taken serious look at this land. Therefore, we present Taiwan through different types of commodities and present the relationship be tween these soils and the city through stories.