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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

思唸 - Miss
思唸 - Miss


思唸 - Miss

蔡宇綾、許惟婷、賴柔安、吳芝瑩 - Cai,Yu-Ling, Xu,Wei-Ting, Lai,Rou-An, Wu,Zhi-Ying

藉由繪本的形式,傳達家人之間們最平凡的嘮叨日常,以四個不同動物角色的家庭互動,產生出不同的心境,原來家人們的嘮叨都是出自內心的關懷。 - Through the form of picture books, it conveys the most ordinary nagging daily life among the family members. The family interaction of four different animal characters produces different moods. It turns out that the nagging of the family members comes from their inner care.