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國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系-TR!PLE

國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系


撿拾專用夾具 Mountain-cleaning grabber
撿拾專用夾具 Mountain-cleaning grabber


撿拾專用夾具 Mountain-cleaning grabber


以淨山專業化為背景,針對淨山之清拾、夾取的部分進行設計改良 旨在針對不同類型、大小之垃圾,達到夾取之適配性,減少清潔人員負擔,並增加淨山便利性。 With the background of mountain cleaning professionalism, the design is improved for the cleaning part of the mountain cleaning. It aims to achieve the adaptability of grabbing for different types and sizes of garbage, reduce the burden on cleaner, and increase the convenience of mountain cleaning. 設計背景 近年山林開放政策,大量民眾進入山林,遺留之人造廢棄物對山區環境產生沉重負擔,而社會對於環保意識逐漸抬頭,淨山漸漸成為被注目的重要活動。 In recent years, a large number of people have entered the mountains under the policy of opening up the mountain.The leftover man-made waste is a heavy burden on the mountain environment. Social awareness of environmental protection is gradually rising. The mountain clean up is becoming an important and visible activity. 再加上,民眾對於淨山認知不足,造成許多淨山意外與文化破壞事件層出不窮,因此將淨山專業化視為未來目標進行設計。 In addition, the public's lack of understanding of mountain cleaning has caused many accidents and cultural destruction incidents to occur in an endless stream.Therefore, we are designing to professionalize as our future goal. 夾具改善鐵夾施力困難、協助適應夾取各種垃圾類型;夾具呈空心倒三角,尖端處便於夾取細小垃圾,簍空處能夠包覆瓶罐類垃圾,把手部分可作為手杖功能,並可搭配腕帶防止滑落。 The grabber to help adapt to various types of garbage.The tip of the clip is convenient for picking up small trash, and the hollow part can cover bottles and cans, and the handle can be used as a walking stick and can be used with a wrist strap to prevent slipping.