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Pa Da Lution

東海大學 工業設計系


elitto , 流動廁所空間再設計


elitto , 流動廁所空間再設計


近幾年,因為 COVID-19,許多活動停擺。但進入後疫情時代之後,集會遊行開始重啟,面對龐大的人潮,如何解決人們的生理需求是一個非常重要的問題。以往,流動廁所總是第一首選。但是悶熱、髒亂與狹小空間常常導致民眾不喜歡使用流動廁所。因此我們透過重新調整內部空間,在維持外部尺寸的條件下,成功的讓內部感受更為舒適。我們希望改良之後的廁所能夠讓人們在疫情中得到更多安心感,並且改變對流動廁所不好的印象。 Many events have been suspended in recent years due to covid-19.But in the post-epidemic era, rallies and demonstrations have resumed, and how to address people's physiological needs in the face of a huge crowd is an important question.In the past, mobile toilets were always the first choice.But stuffy, dirty, and cramped spaces often make people dislike mobile toilets.So we've successfully made the interior feel more comfortable while maintaining the exterior dimensions by rearranging the interior space.We hope that improved toilets will give people more relief and change the bad impression of mobile toilets.