主題名稱第一眼像是機器的型號,Player 除了播放器之外,也有參與者、演員的意思;在數學中則代表未知數,能用以代表任何人事物,現實中亦是如此,這不只是一個故事、一個動畫,而是可能發生在任何人身上的真實情況。留聲機造型代表主角被塑造成無主且跟隨潮流的複讀機器,只能跟隨外界眼光而被強制定型。
At first glance,the theme name looks like a model of a machine.In addition to the player, Player also means participants and actors. X represents the unknown in mathema tics and can be used to represent anything and everyone-this is also true in reality. Not just a story,an animation, but a real situation that could happen to anyone. The gramophone shape represents that the protagonist is shaped into a re-reading machine that has no opinion and follows the trend,and can only be forced to follow the outside vision.