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國立東華大學 藝術創意產業學系

異憶/馬來西亞 Searching for Different Memories/Malaysian Culture Series
異憶/馬來西亞 Searching for Different Memories/Malaysian Culture Series


異憶/馬來西亞 Searching for Different Memories/Malaysian Culture Series

Shuo-Qi,Low 劉鑠淇

我來自馬來西亞,以異鄉人的角度,利用故鄉的照片和零食包裝為素材,拼貼再現馬來西亞的特色零食。碎裂與拼貼過程中,把回憶點滴嵌入作品,在異鄉/故鄉間快速轉換。 I come from Malaysia, and from the perspective of a foreigner, I collages have made up Malaysias special snacks. Take photos of hometown and snack packaging as materials, collage them into works full of memories, and quickly switch between foreign and hometowns. 指導教授 Advisor l 郭令權 Lynch,Kuo、余慧君 Hui-chun,Yu