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中原大學 建築系

錨定台北-朝向以自然為生活座標的城市 Anchoring Taipei – Towards A Nature Coordinated City
錨定台北-朝向以自然為生活座標的城市 Anchoring Taipei – Towards A Nature Coordinated City


錨定台北-朝向以自然為生活座標的城市 Anchoring Taipei – Towards A Nature Coordinated City

曾薏安 Yi-An Tseng

指導老師:江世彥 Shih-Yen Chiang 基地位置:台北盆地, 臺灣 Taipei Basin, Taiwan 基地面積:(lower than 20m altitude) 243,000,000 m2 作品說明: 現有城市已演化成無關於環境、自然、生物的大型人工設施。這個專案從台北盆地切入,將城市作為空間生產的動力,企圖以山系和水系作為一種參照,組織一套系統置入既存的城市,使人類不僅僅意識自然系統的存在,更改變人類的活動及城市的運作,進而產生一種正向的人與自然的循環。 這是一個城市設計策略的設計。 城市與自然的關係自工業革命後變得多元,它可以是一種工業發展的補償、一種城市以外的嚮往、在近代的發展中,自然被視為一種實現人類永續的象徵。台北發展的過程中,人類放棄正視自然,人造建立的系統影響集體利用土地的方式,造成人與環境的脫離。我重新讀取自然建構台北盆地的痕跡,在城市發展的動力與自然空間中建立連結,以此為抽象模型,組織「空間觀察及空間生產」的工具及系統運作原則,以回應自然空間結構的存在,並確保新的空間策略生成能讓人以自然的運作特徵錨定所在的位置(空間上及生態系上)。 Contemporary cities have formed their entity regardless of the reference of nature, natural forces, and living creatures. This project is about discovering the bases of a manageable urban-nature situation, to re-investigate the possibility of next generation planning method in the name of operational natural-urban design guidelines. The relation between cities and nature became diverse after the Industrial Revolution. Humans took nature as a deco of gloomy industry, or a scenery beyond the city. Now, nature is a symbol of fulfilling the sustainability of human beings, for the majority of the society. The layered up context that exists today has an influence on how humans acknowledge the land and the usage outcome. Due to the ignorance of nature now, this context ended up disaggregating and conflicting with the ecology system. The guideline includes tools and operation guides for spatial observation and space production. By generating strategies, we can again make humans anchor to the basin both spatially and eco-systematically. 完整手冊內容 To ANCHORING TAIPEI BOOKLET:https://reurl.cc/dGxQaV