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中原大學 建築系

木都保衛戰Defense of MUDOO
木都保衛戰Defense of MUDOO


木都保衛戰Defense of MUDOO

謝明勳 Ming-Hsun Hsieh

指導老師:陳宇進 Yu-Chin Chen 基地位置:嘉義公園, 嘉義市Zhongzheng Park, Chiayi City 基地面積:14300 m2 作品說明: "差不多的台灣,差不多的嘉義 放眼望去台灣城市長的差不多的樣貌,嘉義也是差不多的"印象", 20世紀末的台灣三大林場之首,一座山腳下的木構森林,木構之都 21世紀的今日放眼望去只見水泥叢林覆蓋整個嘉義,何言木構都市? 嘉義仍有6000多戶"老木"屋散落於嘉義市區, 但被水泥城市覆蓋,隱藏,衰敗 隨著時間流轉,當這些埋藏的嘉義特有樣貌, 某天真正滅絕後,淪為無印象現代都市時, 嘉義別緻的木都市意象將變成空想的回憶, 這是一場老木構與時間拔河的戰爭。 為了使嘉義市能褪下無印象的20世紀現代主義面貌, 呈現出帶有木構記憶的21世紀城市 藉由設計一套以林業文化基調中 "制材產業傳承"&"木材料循環流通"的”木都意象系統” 置於從古至今含有豐富集體意象的中正公園 在整頓現今混亂的公園集體意象時使居民在日常活動中, 不經意的被喚醒深埋於市民心中的林業及城市記憶, 進而引起自覺於”城市有許多木構造”,促使保護以及修復, 使這特殊的木構城市意象得以存活並與20世紀的現代都市融合 成為21世紀的嘉義木都意象 A similar Taiwan, A similar Chiayi as you look at the similarity of taiwan cities, Chiayi also gives a similar "impression" At the end of the 20th century, Chiayi first of the three major farms, a "forest" beneath the mountain, City of Wood but today in the 21st century as you look at the concrete forest covering chiayi, What Wooden city? Chiayi still has more than 6000 "Old" wooden houses scattered around the city of chiayi. But they are covered by the concrete city, hidden and decaying. As time passes, when these buried Chiayi's unique features one day become extinct then Chiayi will degenerate into a modern city with no features. Chiayi's charming wooden urban imagery will become nothing but an imaginary memory. This is a battle between old wooden structures and time. In order for Chiayi to shed its unimpressive 20th century modernism To present a 21st century city with a wooden memory The "wooden capital imagery system", based on the forestry culture of "timber industry heritage" & "wood material circulation" located at CKS Park, which has a rich collective memory of past to present. In the process of reforming the current chaotic collective memory, through daily activities unintentionally awaken the residents forestry and urban memory deep within their hearts. In turn, it arouses the consciousness that "there are many wooden structures in the city" and promotes the protection and restoration of them. So that this special wooden urban imagery can survive and integrate with the modern city of the 20th century Becoming the 21st century Chiayi wood city image