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中原大學 建築系

新生台北 台北新生 The Third Space of The Future City
新生台北 台北新生 The Third Space of The Future City


新生台北 台北新生 The Third Space of The Future City

陳韋任 Wei-Jen Chen

指導老師:曹拯元 Jeeng-Yuan Tsaur 基地位置:新生高架橋, 台北市 XinSheng Expressway, Taipei city 基地面積:3000000 m2 作品說明: 都市是人們的生活場域, 面對未來人們的生活型態我認為是朝著健康及永續邁進,然而隨著車子數量毫無節制地膨脹,導致都市裡車道的空間漸漸壓縮到了自然的生長範圍以及人類的活動空間,破壞了都市的平衡。所以我試圖提供一個介面讓人們能走出建築物外再次享受到都市所提供的空間,同時也為台北這個城市創造一個連 續性且充滿自然和人文的一個平台。 Cities are people’s areas of life. Facing people’s lifestyles in the future, I think they are moving towards health and sustainability.However, as the number of cars expands uncontrollably, the driveway space in the city is gradually compressed to natural growth. The scope and the space for human activities have disrupted the balance of the city. So I tried to provide an interface for people to go out of the building to enjoy the space provided by the city again, and at the same time create a continuous platform full of nature and humanity for the city of Taipei.