「通往」第一眼的空間 _ 入口意象:以忠孝東路為例
The Facade _ Entrance Image: the Case of Zhongxiao E.Rd.
作者名稱 Author l 石炘諦 SHIN-DI,SHIH
指導教授 Advisor l 戴福君 FU-CHUN,DAI
基地位置 Site l 北門至大巨蛋,忠孝東西路沿線
There are a lot of entrance images in our lives, from the doors of our rooms, front doors, community gates, subway stations, bus stations, to airports or ports.
Narrowly speaking, entrance image is the way between outside and inside. Broadly speaking, entrance image is the first impression of a place. Owing to the advances of modern cities, the cityscapes have been more and more lively. Live in choasly order of urban, entrances are keys to our freedom by transmitting in between.
Zhongxiao E. Rd. is the main avenue of Taipei, it starts from the historic Taipei Old North Gate to the Nangang Financial Park. This bustling road has marked three key aspects -
historic places, traffic hubs, and the commercial centers.
Based on these aspects, this study aims to perform a whole set of entrance images for the unique Zhongxiao E. Rd. of Taipei.