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銘傳大學 建築學系

時間佇存之所 The place where time stands and remains
時間佇存之所 The place where time stands and remains


時間佇存之所 The place where time stands and remains


時間佇存之所 _ 向死而生 The place where time stands and remains _ Being born to die. 作者名稱 Author l 游茵筑 YIN-CHU,YU 指導教授 Advisor l 孫珊美 SHAN-MEI,SUN 基地位置 Site l 龜山島 生命是一個不段破碎、消磨、在生與死之間轉換且不斷循環的狀態 龜山島是一個不斷被海浪腐蝕、損耗、消磨且有著脆弱地質 狀態不穩定的一個小島 。在這個世外之地,島嶼在被時間侵蝕的同時,相反的島上的自然卻能 茂盛生長。 時間是存在的本質,建築也被視為具有時間性的容器。以建築為形式存放的時間,是不斷返還最初的狀態 。時間會腐蝕萬物,而我們也僅是其中之一 。 以打破線性時間的形式,創造隱喻四季的空間體驗和微氣候作為切入點,通過對不同空間的處理做出回應 。 而這樣的設計,是抽象與具象結合的產物,他一部分屬於自然但卻包含更真實具體的情感 。 一部分屬於建築,卻比任何空間更接近自然的本質。 Life is a state of ceaseless fragmentation, weariness,switching between birth and death, and constantcirculation. Guishan Island is a small island that is constantly being eroded, worn away and has a fragile geological condition that is unstable. In this otherworldly place, the island is being eroded by time while the nature on the island fl ourishes and grows. Time is the essence of existence, and architecture is also regarded as a container with timeliness.Time, in the form of architecture, is a constant return to the original state. Time corrupts all things, and we are only one of them. In order to break the form of linear time, the spatial experience and micro-climate that are metaphorical for the four seasons are created as the entry point, and the response is made through the treatment of different Spaces. Such a design is a combination of abstraction and concretization. It belongs to nature partly but contains more real and concrete emotions. Part of it belongs to architecture, but it is closer to the nature.