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菲律賓南方漁船 Philippines Fishing Boat


菲律賓南方漁船 Philippines Fishing Boat

席德進 臺灣 Shiy De Jinn Taiwan

水彩、紙 watercolor on paper 55.4 × 74.4 cm 1975 臺北市立美術館藏 Taipei Fine Arts Museum Collection -- 席德進為少數曾造訪三寶顏的臺灣藝術家。本作品於1975年9月23日下午於三寶顏海邊寫生完成,當時陪同席德進寫生的當地藝術家王禮溥如此形容該作:「紫色的天,紫色的海,有三隻漂泊的漁船,充滿詩意,他畫來一氣呵成,是在三寶顏所畫的最完美的一幅。」 Shiy De Jinn was one of the few Taiwanese artists to have visited Zamboanga. The work was a painting from life done at the seaside in Zamboanga, in the afternoon of September 23, 1975. Local artist Wang Li Pu who accompanied him said of the work, “purple day, purple sea, with three fishing boats floating on the water, a purely poetic moment that he captured and rendered in one go. It is the best painting he did in Zamboanga.”