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新加坡風景 Singaporean Landscape


新加坡風景 Singaporean Landscape

王金成 新加坡 Ong Kim Seng Singapore

水彩、紙 watercolor on paper 57.4 × 95.4 cm 1984 臺北市立美術館藏 Taipei Fine Arts Museum Collection -- 該作品畫框上以英文寫著:「由新加坡共和國國防部及貿易及工業部政務部長李顯龍准將致贈,1985年5月。」該作品後由總統府移交臺北市立美術館收藏,移交時所誤植之作者名稱,後於籌備本展研究期間更正。 On the frame is written: “Presented by: BG (Res) Lee Hsien Loong, Minister of State, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Trade and Industry, Republic of Singapore, May 1985”. The work was then transferred from the Office of the President to the Taipei Fine Arts Museum’s collection. The artist’s name was wrongly attributed during the transfer, and was corrected during research for the exhibition.