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전시 소개



전시 기간

2020-07-25 ~ 2020-10-25


台北市立美術館|Gallery 2A~2B


台北市中山區中山北路181號 (No.181, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10461,Taiwan,R.O.C.)

「全球南方」泛指在地圖上一連串由開發中國家、前殖民地及非西方文化區所組成的空間,由東南亞、南亞、西亞、非洲、拉丁美洲及太平洋群島所構成。臺灣在這當中處於一個尷尬的位置:一方面臺灣的現實處境確實為位處亞洲的開發中國家,卻因戰後的政治處境,並未參與自1955年亞非會議以來的一連串文化及政治運動,導致在心理層次上,「全球南方」之於臺灣似乎是個遙遠的議題。 The “Global South” roughly refers to a set of developing countries, former colonies and non-Western cultural regions, most of which are in Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. Taiwan finds itself in a rather paradoxical position in this regard: although Taiwan is undeniably a developing country in Asia, it has been prevented from participating in a series of cultural and political movements since the Asian-African Conference of 1955 due to the postwar political context. As a result, psychologically, the “Global South” is viewed as a remote issue for the people of the island. 然而這種中介角色,卻似乎是臺灣歷史上反覆出現的主題:從日治時期扮演日本南侵的跳板、冷戰時期的後勤角色,一直到在艱困的外交環境中尋找盟友。本展包含了1940年代的日治時期戰爭畫、1950年代郭雪湖拜訪泰國所繪的膠彩畫、1960年代劉其偉參與越戰期間的手稿、1970年代席德進描繪的菲律賓風采、1980年代入藏,由菲律賓藝術家洪救國、新加坡藝術家鍾泗濱等重要東南亞藝術家所繪的畫作、1990年代重要中美洲藝術家的裝置作品以及二十一世紀由臺灣及各國藝術家針對歷史或當代處境所發展的作品。本展同時展出多筆來自臺灣及新加坡的文獻檔案資料,為關心本議題的研究者錨定相關的研究索引。 From serving as a springboard for the Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia during the period of Japanese rule, to providing logistics facilities during the Cold War, and then looking for allies despite its difficult diplomatic situation, the role as a go-between seems to be a recurrent theme in the history of Taiwan. The various works in the exhibition include the following: war paintings produced during the Japanese rule in the 1940s, Nihonga paintings by Kuo Hsueh Hu after his visit to Thailand in the 1950s, Liu Max C. W.’s sketches during his participation in the Vietnam War in the 1960s, Shiy De Jinn’s portrayals of the Philippines in the 1970s, paintings as part of the museum collection in the 1980s by leading Southeast Asian artists such as Ang Kiukok (the Philippines) and Cheong Soo Pieng (Singapore), installation works by important Central American artists in the 1990s, and 21st-century works by artists from Taiwan and other countries addressing historical or contemporary situations. Punctuated by numerous archives and documents from Taiwan and Singapore, the exhibition provides an index for researchers who are interested in this subject. 本次展出的作品多為美術館典藏作品,半數來自本館,其他則主要來自臺灣各美術館及基金會。許多展出作品於過去因缺乏相關脈絡的展覽機會,而長期收納於庫房之中;因此,本展除了呈現臺灣與「全球南方」戰後藝術交流史的面貌,同時亦可一窺臺灣美術館收藏中所標示的南方樣態。 Most of the works on exhibit are from museum collections, with half coming from the Taipei Fine Arts Museum and the remainder from different museums and foundations in Taiwan. Many works have sat in museum storage for the past decades, never going on display due to an absence of relevant exhibition topics. In a way, this exhibition not only features the history of post-war artistic exchanges between Taiwan and the Global South, but also offers a glimpse into art from the South in museum collections in Taiwan.

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策展單位簡介| 總策展人:林平 客座策展人:高森信男



總策展人:林平 客座策展人:高森信男 Chief Curator: Ping Lin Guest Curator: Takamori Nobuo 藝術家(按展場順序): 石原紫山、鄧南光、許武勇、何德來、朱鳴岡、梅丁衍、郭雪湖、馬白水、劉其偉、洪救國、席德進、許家維、蔡草如、謝里法、李勇志、王金成、何家良、劉抗、陳文希、鐘泗濱、貢薩雷斯.帕爾馬、桑托斯.阿濡.喬托、羅德立奎茲.奇彥、儒巴度.雷達那、帕西雅.孟海、蟬尼雅.梅西雅.巴第亞、姚瑞中&鄭鴻展、區秀詒、林輝華、全會華、邱承宏、張恩滿、黃海昌、蘇育賢、伊旺.安美特&蒂塔.薩利娜 Artists: Ishihara Shisan, Deng Nan Guang, Hsu Wu Yung, Ho Te Lai, Zhu Ming Gang, Mei Dean E, Kuo Hsueh Hu, Ma Pai Sui, Liu Max C. W., Ang Kiukok, Shyi Der Jinn, Hsu Chia Wei, Tsai Tsao Ju, Shaih Lifa, Lee Yung Chih, Ong Kim Seng, Ho Kah Leong, Liu Kang, Chen Wen Hsi, Cheong Soo Pieng, Luis González Palma, Santos Arzú Quioto, José Alfredo Rodríguez Guillén, Manuel Zumbado Retana, Priscilla Monge, Xenia Mejia Padilla, Yao Jui Chung & Hank Cheng, Au Sow Yee, Lim Hooi Hwa, Chuan Hui Hua, Chiu Chen Hung, Chang En Man, Wong Hoy Cheong, So Yo Hen, Irwan Ahmett & Tita Salina 文獻研究員(按展場順序): 黃義雄、陳湘汶、許元豪、鄭文琦 Archive researchers: Huang Yi Hsiung, Chen Hsiang Wen, Koh Nguang How, Rikey Tenn Bun Ki 特別感謝(按中文筆畫順): 中央通訊社、美聯社資料庫、英國百代電影公司資料庫、財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會、財團法人席德進基金會、財團法人楊英風藝術教育基金會、高雄市立美術館、郭雪湖基金會、國立自然科學博物館、國立臺灣圖書館、國立臺灣博物館、國立臺灣美術館、國立臺灣歷史博物館、國立歷史博物館、國家電影及視聽文化中心、國家發展委員會檔案管理局、荷蘭「Eye」電影博物館、臺北市立圖書館、辛友仁、林書楷、陳飛豪、許芳慈、劉抗家屬、唐娜維.恰卜瑞帝、泰莎.瑪莉亞.奎松、賴英泰 Acknowledgements: AP Archive , British Pathé, Central News Agency, Eye Filmmuseum, Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kuo Hsueh-Hu Foundation, National Archives Administration, National Development Council, National Museum of History, National Museum of Natural Science, National Museum of Taiwan History, National Taiwan Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Library , Shyi Der-Jinn Foundation, Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute, Yuyu Yang Art Education Foundation, Chen Fei Hao, Taipei Public Library, Thanavi Chotpradit, Tessa Maria Guazon, Hsu Fang Tze, Lai Ying Tai, Lin Shu Kai, Liu Kang’s Family, Seng Yu Jin

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