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Rug Pull Frens by Raimochi






Owner: Teferi Chiu Returning from space, the peace-loving Moxie makes a living performing at parties. Though kids born in recent years have become unfamiliar with Star Wars, they still love the glowing weapon Moxie wields. What they do not know is that this is a real lightsaber. 從宇宙回到地表以後,愛好和平的 Moxie 以在派對上表演維生。儘管近幾年出生的小朋友們已經逐漸對《星際大戰》系列不再熟悉,他們還是很喜歡 Moxie 手上會發光的武器。而他們有所不知的是,這是一把真正屬於絕地武士的光劍。