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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

這個夏天沒做好防曬 2 Sunscreen Was not Put on Well this Summer No.2


這個夏天沒做好防曬 2 Sunscreen Was not Put on Well this Summer No.2

華建强 Hua Chien-Chiang

年代: 2017 媒材: 膠彩顏料、水墨、壓克力彩、畫布 / Gouache, ink and acrylic on canvas 尺寸: 60.5x145cm 藝術家華建强的創作有別於一般風格典雅的膠彩畫,他將後現代式的幽默嘲諷融入其中,並大膽嘗試結合水墨、壓克力等多樣的材質,介於卡漫與工筆山水間的獨特畫風,賦予膠彩全新的生命。作品〈這個夏天沒做好防曬2〉創作於2017年,有感於近年臺灣夏季氣溫愈來愈高,氣候變遷已開始影響我們的生活,他將人的感受性延伸、連結到人與環境的關係。畫中的小男孩泡在水池裡,被曬傷的皮膚佈滿黑色斑點,一臉發呆出神的表情,渾然未覺貓咪正朝自己走來,想搶走手中那顆甜美的桃子。華建强透過詼諧的表現方式,暗指人類長期忽視生活周遭環境發出的警訊,已讓自己身陷危機。 Hua Chien-Chiang’s creations differ from the usual, elegant style of Eastern gouache painting. He incorporates postmodern humor and satire, and boldly tries to combine Eastern gouache with other materials such as ink and acrylic. His style uses elements from both cartoon art and the meticulous style of traditional landscape, and this unique approach gives Eastern gouache a whole new life. Sunscreen Was Not Put on Well This Summer No. 2 was created in 2017. The artist, sensing that Taiwan’s summer temperatures have been climbing in recent years and realizing that climate change has begun to affect our lives, extends this sensibility and draws the connection between people and the environment. The little boy in the painting is soaking in the water, holding a peach and wearing a dazed expression as he enjoys himself. He doesn’t notice the menacing cat walking toward him. The painting is mildly humorous, but Hua alludes to the fact that human beings have long been ignoring the warning signs from the environment, and have thus put themselves in crisis.