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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

船 Ship


船 Ship

張致中 Chang Chih-Chung

年代: 2020 媒材: 石墨、密集板 / Graphite on medium density fiberboard 尺寸: 56x116cm 作品〈船〉是藝術家張致中兩年藝術計畫的一件,他從父親製作的一艘模型船發想,透過田野調查、文獻研究、交織著自己家庭的回憶,從1977年嚴重破壞南臺灣的賽洛瑪風災,以及2002年高雄紅毛港地區因遷村爭議引發的「炸船封港」事件等歷史開始,發展出一系列具敘事性的創作。張致中使用壓克力板、防污漆以及石磨等媒材,在漆黑的黑色背景上,刻出尾端下傾,即將沉沒的大型輪船,前景的海面風平浪靜,船的周邊一片黑暗,只見中央的船隻逐漸沒入水下。這艘將沉的船,就像是因工業開發而面臨遷村困境的居民,看著如夢般的願景,卻始終難以停泊與達成。 Ship is part of a two-year art project by Chang Chih-Chung. He thought about a model boat once made by his father. Then, combining field research, documentary research, and weaving together the memories of family members, he began focusing on historical events, such as Typhoon Thelma, which caused severe damage in southern Taiwan in 1977, and the 2002 protests over proposed development around Hungmao Port in Kaohsiung, in which protesters threatened to bomb a ship to block the harbor entrance. From this, he developed a series of narrative-style artworks. Chang Chih-Chung here uses acrylic panel, antifouling paint, graphite, and other media to carve out the image of a large sinking ship, its stern low in the water, against a dark black background. The sea in the foreground is calm, but the ship is surrounded by darkness. The sinking ship is a metaphor for the people who faced the dilemma of forced relocation due to industrial development: it was always hard for their prospects, like dreams, to find a mooring and be achieved.