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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

右側完備 complete right


右側完備 complete right

趙南開 Chao Nan-Kai

年代: 2019 媒材: 玻璃 / Glass 尺寸: 59 x 30.2 x 5 cm, 58.7 x 30.4 x 4.7 cm, 58.5 x 30.2 x 4.2 cm 趙南開擁有紮實的繪畫基礎,在澳洲坎培拉求學時為追求不同的表現方式,選擇投入玻璃藝術的世界,融合東西方的美學元素,走出一條與眾不同的道路。他將平板玻璃當作畫布,運用熔合、人工切割、噴砂、拋光等工法來創作,經過一道又一道的工序,最後一切化繁為簡,追求最低的視覺干擾,表現低限純粹的繪畫性特質。〈右側完備〉這件作品的靈感源自於臺灣的溪流,藝術家設定作品有兩個不同的層次,次表層如同水面下的暗流,無法輕易用肉眼看見但真實存在。而白色不僅僅是一種顏色,也是一種留白狀態的描述,讓觀者的個人情感可以依附於其中,並衍生出無窮的想像。 Chao Nan-Kai has a solid foundation in painting. When he was studying in Canberra, Australia, he wanted to explore different ways of expression, so he chose to delve into the world of glass art. He merged aesthetic elements of the East and West and embarked on a unique path. He uses flat glass as a canvas and uses glass fusion, manual cutting, sandblasting, polishing, and other methods in the creative process. After a whole sequence of processes, everything is reduced to simplicity as he pursues a minimum of visual interference and the expression of low end, pure painterly characteristics. Complete Right is inspired by Taiwan’s streams. The artist as set two different levels in this work. The subsurface is like an undercurrent under the water surface, so it is not easily seen with the naked eye, but it is really there. Moreover, white is not only a color, but also a description of a blank state, allowing the viewer’s own emotions to be attached to it, with room for infinite imagination.