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僑光科技大學 多媒體與遊戲設計系


僑光科技大學 多媒體與遊戲設計系

전시 소개


灼月 - Light-out

僑光科技大學多媒體與遊戲設計系第九屆主視覺名稱:灼月,取自「卓越」的中文音譯,期許本屆優秀傑出、高超出眾。 「灼」有著光明的意思,代表正向和希望,本屆將為世界帶來光明與希望,為世界上疲憊或受苦之人帶來溫暖與繼續向前的動力。 「月」則是一種意境,當人們在夜晚中輾轉難眠,或在黑夜中為了未來持續努力時,我們將陪伴他們前行,並撒下月色來撫慰他們受創的心靈,且指引迷途者正確的方向。 藉由展出 19 組包括遊戲、動畫和微電影,讓觀眾更了解僑光科技大學的多媒體與遊戲設計系,本屆將在台北南港展覽館 2 館 4 樓展出,展場規劃以通過式的動向來做規劃,能容納19組且具有流暢動線的路徑設計,使觀者能舒適觀展。本屆的主視覺設計是以搭乘太空船,前往名為「灼月」的星球為主題,象徵本系追求卓越、朝這個目標持續努力,期望終有一天達成此境界。在櫃檯旁放置螢幕讓觀眾們可以查看作品預告片,櫃檯能做導覽與互動,而旁邊的3D裸視投影區和拍照區則提供大家拍照打卡,使參觀人員加深本校印象。 Title of the main visual for the 9th Multimedia and Game Design Department of Overseas Chinese University: "Zhuó Yuè", derived from the Chinese transliteration of "excellence", expressing the expectation for this year's outstanding performance and excellence. "Zhuó" conveys the meaning of brightness, symbolizing positivity and hope. This year, we aim to bring light and hope to the world, providing warmth and continued motivation to those who are weary or suffering, guiding them in the right direction. "Yuè" represents a certain mood; when people struggle to sleep at night or persist in their efforts for the future amidst darkness, we will accompany them and comfort their wounded souls with moonlight, guiding lost souls in the right direction. Through the exhibition of 19 groups including games, animations, and microfilms, the audience will gain a better understanding of the Multimedia and Game Design Department of Overseas Chinese University. This year's exhibition will be held at the 4th floor of Hall 2 in Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. The exhibition layout is planned with a walkthrough design, accommodating 19 groups with a smooth flow, ensuring comfortable viewing for attendees. The main visual design of this year depicts boarding a spaceship and heading to a planet called "Zhuó Yuè," symbolizing the department's pursuit of excellence and continuous effort towards this goal, hoping to achieve this realm one day. Screens will be placed near the counter for visitors to watch trailers of the works, and the counter will provide navigation and interaction. Additionally, a 3D naked-eye projection area and a photo zone will be set up nearby for visitors to take photos and check in, leaving a lasting impression of the university.

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