指導老師:劉易鑫 / Yi-Hsin Liu
基地位置:335 桃園市大溪區普濟路 21-3 號 / No. 21-3, Puji Rd., Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City 335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
保存地方記憶,不只是老屋的保存,還有地方產業的重振。 透過大溪木藝產業的傳承,維繫古老木藝產業迷人的共好,讓老產業再現傳統風華,與你我他訴說自己的故事。
Preserving local memory is not only the preservation of old houses,but also the revival of local industries. Through the inheritance of the Daxi wood art industry, we will maintain the charming common interests of the ancient wood art industry. let the old industry reproduce the traditional elegance, and tell our stories TOGETHER.