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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

窗邊友草 - Work with nature
窗邊友草 - Work with nature


窗邊友草 - Work with nature

鄭景勻, 黃宥禎, 賴姿穎 - Cheng,Jing-Yun, Huang,You-Jhen, Lai,Zhi-Ying

在疫情嚴峻的驅使下,居家辦公與遠距教學逐漸普及於上班族與學生的課程上,遠端科技成為不可或缺的日常生活,然而大部分人家中並沒有適當的辦公空間,除了空間上的問題外,家中的任何誘因,包括小孩的照顧、隨處可休息的環境都可能會干擾工作上的進度,而減少的外出次數也讓長期積累的壓力無處釋放,因此透過專題的研究將自然以不同形體的方式結合於居家辦公,打造舒適的住家辦公空間並加入遠端功能作為附加價值。 - The COVID-19 crisis has forced companies and schools to adopt work from home and distance education. Network remote equipment has become indispensable in the society. However most people do not have comfortable office space in their homes. In addition to space problem, the disturbance about take care child and relaxed environment will affect the progress of the work.People are under stress due to staying indoors for long periods.The independent study in combine nature with work from home to design comfortable office space,and also add network remote equipment to Generating added value.