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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

花粧 - HUE  TSNG
花粧 - HUE  TSNG




設計介紹 : 取銅錢花磚元素以及化妝台兩個詞彙當中的字元,將其融合成帶有諧音雙關寓意的新名詞 使用對象: 承載父母的愛及溫暖的化妝台,作為嫁妝使用,陪伴準新娘,感受到滿滿的溫馨,給予女子最溫柔的愛 設計特色: 層架線條優美造型取自明式家具,融合現代、古典風格,與市面產品截然不同,細長圓潤的桌腳襯托桌板及櫃子,猶如父母的手上的寶物,圓弧帶矩形的鏤空鏡架支撐住大幅面鏡,跳脫框架的鏡面,象徵為人循規但毋須蹈舉,可是內心需有明鏡能夠審視自我,成為賢妻 櫃子設計成圓筒狀,象徵幸福美滿,雙圓櫃體鑲嵌在層架上象徵百年好合,利用花磚元素銅錢(富貴滿盈)與桂花(早生貴子)製成雷雕門片作為裝飾 - Object of use: A dressing table that carries the love and warmth of parents, used as a dowry, to accompany the bride-to-be and feel full of warmth Design introduction Take the characters in the two words of tile and dressing table, and combine them into a new term with homophonic pun meaning Design features: The elegant lines of the shelf are taken from Ming-style furniture, which combines modern and classical styles, which is completely different from the products in the market. Supporting the large-format mirror and jumping out of the frame of the mirror, it symbolizes that one should follow the rules but do not need to follow the rules. The cabinet is designed in a cylindrical shape, which symbolizes happiness and contentment. The double-circle cabinet is inlaid on the shelf to symbolize a hundred years of harmony. The brick elements are used to make copper coins (rich and full) and osmanthus (early birth healthy baby) to make laser-carved door pieces as decoration.