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國立金門大學 建築學系

Mencanting Kota
Mencanting Kota


Mencanting Kota


作品名稱 Title: Mencanting Kota_城市紋作 Mencanting Kota_Represent City 指導老師 Adviser: 郭芷瑜 基地位置 Location: 印尼/萬隆 Bandung/Indonesia 作品介紹 Description: 印尼萬隆市的開墾史可以追溯至西元1800年的荷蘭殖民時期,而現今萬隆市中心以荷蘭、華人和印尼本土三大文化共存而聞名,具有高度歷史價值。目前基地性質屬於城市中的閒置空間,破壞城市了的美感。曾幾何時的基地為百貨公司、電影院,商業、娛樂空間,人潮絡繹不絕,在這麼重要的位置,應該是給民眾的一個良好的空間。 萬隆市從古至今都以「服裝」作為經濟重心,有許多服裝相關的店鋪,市區周圍也佈滿代工廠。服裝設計、服飾設計在現今的印尼並沒有任何一個聚集研討性質的公共建築,因此,我想以服裝作為文化交流,在未來能為民眾提供學習、發表自己的設計作品的地方。 服裝型式好似乘載文化和歷史交織結晶,好比一匹布料在不同種族中使用時,最終的成品會有所不同,並具有自己的特點。「Batik」為印尼最具代表性的傳統服飾花樣,每一個族群的人都有屬於自己的花紋,「Batik」也是現今印尼的服裝時尚最有辨識度的設計。所以在設計手法上我應用其常見的三種pattern 來轉化到建築物的空間組合。分析、轉化、利用「Batik pattern」結合建築所需要的空間需求、網格系統、立面開口設計。 建築機能分為商業、教育、休閒娛樂以及公共服務這四類,我希望這塊基地可以讓萬隆市的未來更美好 。萬隆市目前屬於微笑曲線的中段為組裝、製造,商業性質不屬於高單價,為了要加速服裝產業達到左(技術、專利)、右(品牌、服務)頂部,教育、商業,提供給當地學習、或是展示當地人作品的場所。休閒娛樂以及公共服務對應的是,基地位處萬隆市的中心,應做為以居民、遊客為主的公共空間,有著開放性的休息、商業空間,以及娛樂性的展覽館。 Bandung was moved to the city center during the Dutch colonial period in the 1800s. Daendels ordered to construct the great post street (now a part of it: Jalan Asia-Africa). The rapid growth of the city of Bandung started from this area, which was originally a central business district. This makes the city center of Bandung influenced by three major cultures, especially Dutch, Chinese, and Indonesian. Therefore, now this area has buildings from the Dutch era and has a lot of historical value. The site used to be an entertainment space like department stores and cinemas. The site has a constant flow of people, but now it has become an unoccupied space and spoils the urban aesthetic. In such an important place, there should be a suitable space for the people. From the past until now, the economic development in Bandung is clothing and there are many clothing shops, and there are many foundries around the city of Bandung. But for the citizens, there is no place for meetings or discussions about clothing and fashion. Therefore, I want to use clothing as a cultural exchange and provide a public space for citizens, and in the future can provide learning, development, and display their design works to the public. The appearance of an outfit can be seen as its culture and history, just as when a piece of plain cloth was used by different races, the product will be different and have its characteristics. This is like architectural design. The spaces and facades expressed by each designer have been influenced by his/her growth and cultural background. Function planning: 1. Business, 2. Education, 3. Leisure and entertainment, 4. Public services. Recreation and public services have exhibition hall, outdoor and leisure corridors for catwalk and other performances. Commercial operation and incubation education are mainly clothing exhibitions and sales, providing a place for locals to learn, develop and display their design works. In the theory of the smile curve, Bandung City currently belongs to the middle section. For assembly and manufacturing, this setting will drive the upper section of the profession and inject pulsating energy into the city. As an Indonesian, I think the traditional Indonesian costume “Batik” (batik) is more representative of the fashionable texture of Indonesian clothing, so I use its three common patterns to transform it into the spatial combination of buildings as an architectural design technique.