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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

蝕海 - Erode the sea
蝕海 - Erode the sea


蝕海 - Erode the sea

賴欣妤、葉安琪 - Lai,Xin-Yu, Yeh,An-Chi

不斷侵蝕海洋,誤撈海洋生物,為了利益,一點一點的用盡海洋資源,造 成部分海洋生物的滅絕。隨著時間的堆移,這些海洋生物的存在快因 為過度捕撈而進入歷史。表達人們正在侵蝕大海,以提醒海洋的危機。 - Constantly eroding the ocean, mistakenly fishing for marine life, for the sake of profit, little by little, exhaust the marine resources, build Extinction of some marine life. Over time, the heap shifts, and the presence of these marine life is fast-caused Gone into history for overfishing. Express that people are eroding the sea to remind you of the crisis of the ocean.