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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

線香燈飾 - Incense Lamp
線香燈飾 - Incense Lamp


線香燈飾 - Incense Lamp

陳昱青 - Chen,Yu-Qing

靈感發源於佛光山佛陀紀念館,採用山形作為創作基底,將佛館抽象化為佛光山,地湧金蓮設計按鈕細節,將檀香及夜燈結合,紓解壓力、淨化氣場,達到古物新創的理念。 - Inspired by the form of the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum, the museum building itself is translated abstractly into five hills. The golden lotus banana has taken the shape of the main power button. The overall concept is to incorporate both functions of an incense holder and a night lamp into the design, creating a harmonic fusion of antiquity and newer technology and providing users a stress-relieving and aura-cleansing experience.