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機器會夢見 NFT 嗎? ─ 台灣首檔加密藝術收藏展



〈移形換位 004〉 Deposed 004


〈移形換位 004〉 Deposed 004

馬里奧‧克林格曼 Mario Klingemann

馬里奧‧克林格曼是當代藝術中率先以機器學習創作的著名先驅,相關討論幾乎都無法繞過他。「移形換位」是以機器神經網路偵測人類動作和姿勢所生產的系列作品,本展選擇其中第四號。人形從海量照片中被抽取出來,僅存輪廓和不斷游動的點狀與網格。在機器的眼中,具體之人走下台階,留下純粹的幾何動態。 “Deposed” is a series of works produced by a machine simulated neural network through detection of human motions and gestures. The work 004 in the series is exhibited in this exhibition. Human forms are extracted from a plethora of pictures, but only the contours and flowing dots and grids remained. In the eyes of machines, the figurative human forms are deposed. What remains is the pure geometric dynamics.