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《變異派學校》The School of Mutants


《變異派學校》The School of Mutants

46.亞梅定.肯內+史帝芬.維列-波特羅+納塔莉.姆什瑪;歐利+莫奴 Hamedine KANE, Stéphane VERLET-BOTTÉRO, and Nathalie MUCHAMAD with Olivia ANANI and Lou MO

實地星球 Planet Terrestrial 接近實地:蓋婭 Approaching the Terrestrial: Gaia 展出場地 Venue: 王大閎建築劇場 Wang Da Hong House Theatre 2020 木頭、棉布、蠟、顏料、紙、墨、聲音、HD錄像,片長11 分38秒,尺寸視空間而定 Wood, cotton, wax, pigment, paper, ink, sound, HD video, 11mins 38 secs, dimensions variable